132. Las Vegas F1 with Mark Wahlberg & More
Welcome back to Orange County friends. What a weekend away with Riley Huddleston and Mark Wahlberg at Las Vegas’ F1 (Formula 1) race. Piper Rose joins me for just a bit today on the show, but I give you all the details about our VIP guest experience in Las Vegas with Mark’s team out there promoting his new Tequila, Flecha Azul, Which, is very delicious by the way. And catch you up on some do’s and don’t if you’re thinking of attending F1 in the future!
Enjoy the Show!
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“Talkaholic” - Humble & Hungry Podcast theme song provided by:
Producer/Engineer: Heather Baker
Vocalist and Musical Performance: Moa Munoz
Mixer: Alexia Stratton
Humble & Hungry is Hosted and Produced by Natalie Puche and edited & Co-Produced in partnership with Andy Lara at www.andylikeswords.com.