123. Pregnancy Journey Update - IUI Testing Follow Up, Piper's Birthday, and More
Happy Tuesday friends, thanks for waiting an extra day I had another pregnancy test follow up yesterday and just wanted to capture that experience for today’s show. In addition, we chat briefly a bit about some Heather McDonald drama, Piper’s Birthday, and I want yor feedback on something. Would you all be interested in my Sister sitting as regulars on the show with me? Would you want a video podcast of that? Let me know on Instagram!
Enjoy the show!
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Enjoy the show!
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Follow Natalie Puche on Instagram at @nataliepuche.
“Talkaholic” - Humble & Hungry Podcast theme song provided by:
Producer/Engineer: Heather Baker
Vocalist and Musical Performance: Moa Munoz
Mixer: Alexia Stratton
Humble & Hungry is Hosted and Produced by Natalie Puche and edited & Co-Produced in partnership with Andy Lara at www.andylikeswords.com.