I'm Back! - Welcome to the Humble and Hungry Podcast
It’s been too long but the wait is finally over.
This podcast has been in the works for over a year as we were navigating and surviving the depths of 2020.
And what I've learned is that with uncertainty comes fear,
and with fear comes opportunity.
Which is what has led me to this point.
So if you’re open to learning and growing with me, through laughter, vulnerability and maybe an adult beverage or two along the way, then I’m your girl.
We’ll get up close and personal with the people I love most and with those whom I’ve been inspired by.
And don’t you worry, I’ll make sure to touch on pop culture, design, beauty, health etc
You’ll also get to know my master chef and baby daddy aka fiancé Riley Huddleston, as I put him in the hot seat and have him share all things food, beverage, recipes, restaurants, travel and more.
So who’s hungry, I mean, ready??
Welcome to the Humble and Hungry podcast.
Please, review, rate, subscribe and follow me on Instagram @nataliepuche to engage directly about each episode during the week!
Love, your friend,
Are you a business or brand and want to participate in our giveaway or sponsor the show? EMAIL ME!
Humble & Hungry with Natalie Puche is edited & produced in partnership with Andy Lara at www.andylikeswords.com.